July 30, 2022

Assess your child at home and make yourself a special educator by reading this article


Assess your child at home and make yourself a special educator by reading this article 

I am writing this article so it may help you out to become a special educator, those who are interested to become a special educator this article is for them, so in this article I am going to talk about theoretical base that what you people should have knowledge about being a special educator? After that we'll move forward to make it practical that how to perform specific learner skill? What steps we should attempt or to focus on, you all will be guided properly. I saw many people thinking of their kids admission when a child is just only turned 2. In fact I saw many doctors recommending parents to go for admission of their kids so earlier just because they think they need speech therapy.

So today I'm going to share some important tips that you have to follow to make your child a basic skill learner and after that you have to take decision whether your child is ready to go to school or not. We have to assess our kids that if they have basic learner skills or not and how we can make them a basic skill learner after educators plan for IEP of the kid or graphing will be done, special educators never focuses on child's age, they focus or assess knowledge or skill, a child could have. Even if a child is of 12 years of age so a special educator needs to assess his previous knowledge that where his mental age lies. A special educator should never take decision after listening to parents, they always need to cross check the information. Parents may be giving good remarks of their kids performance or about his stamina but special educators have to cross check the information.

Moving further toward today's topic i.e Basic learner skills a special educator should know. I  will write about the qualities of a special educator so that can help them to become a successful parent and what silly attempts you are doing so that your child is not under your control will be discussed in the next article.

So if any of your friend or any member being a parent is suffering from hard times due to developmental issues of their kids then you can help them by guiding through this article, so do give it a read. Share this training series article with them immediately and ask them to circulate this article to help others who are suffering from this issue.

So starting from the basic learner skills. The first skill i.e

1. Cooperation and reinforcer effectiveness:

For suppose that you bring your child for assessment and if you want me to work as a therapist for him to check the present level of a student whether is he having mild autism, moderate autism, severe autism or on which present level he lies. For suppose we took your child to work and he's not cooperating whether we had blown bubbles in front of him or presented a material to work with it or to play but even if he is not doing eye contact neither  responding to his name, if these things are missing so we must have to understand that he doesn't lie on this basic learner skill of cooperation and reinforcer effectiveness. It means he is not fulfilling the requirements and needs of this target.

For example 

Showing no sitting tolerance

Throwing of an object if presented and misbehaved by scratching other students or showed no cooperation.

It means you didn't work on this specific skill of your kid. If material is presented but he is not taking material and doesn't showing coperation. Cooperation and reinforcer effectiveness works simultaneously, they both are correlated.

So your kid should be prepared for the cooperative and reinforcer effectiveness before his admission in school. Because without cooperation, a child will show aggressiveness to his teachers and other students.

Parents are not aware of this skill so that they can work on it before child's admission but doctors recommended them to go for admission so the child can improve his skills but I am telling you that's really wrong. I hope you people will be aware of this matter after reading this article so that you can use your logic.

Second basic learner skill i.e

2. Visual performance: 

In this activity a child will be using his vision. Visual performance includes wooden puzzles, beading activities. Along with the visual performance,side by side simultaneously other things will also be fulfilled i.e eye and hand cordination, fine motor skill.

For suppose educator has given your child a wooden puzzle, so if he is picking up the material so it means he's covering this skill by eye and hand cordination by the grip of three fingers and visualizing the material, we always force our child's grip to be better, these skills will be completed side by side, attention of span will be increased, sitting tolerance will be increased.

So special educators generally use visual performance target to be used as a reward. Preschools nowadays are working on Visual performance. Visual performance is very important part of IEP Plan for kids because of this special educators make their students engaged in activities for atleast 1 hour by maintaining their sitting tolerance with in 7 days

3. Receptive language:

In this you will assess understanding level of a kid. If your kid is just 2 years old, how can you go for his admission? If his self esteem is hurt how can he make you feel that he is going through something? Tell me autism will be increased or decreased? Obviously it will be increased because your child is not prepared to go for a school even he cannot express his feeling in words and his aggression will be increased rather to be decreased. Because he is not able to tell teacher whether he is hungry,  having pain in stomach or anything else. Assess if he can communicate to his teacher or not.

Communication is very important, if the child is non verbal so why do we think of getting that child's admission done if he cannot even communicate. According to my research on this 20% your child will be good in progress but 80% is a risk of losing of all the things he had learnt and he will become more hyperactive and will become more aggressive because a normal teacher cannot understand what's happening because child is already non verbal, he cannot communicate so that's why he is showing aggression to express his feelings.

Receptive language is a part of instruction following, if an educator asks a child to sit down then if a child understands then he will sit, ask him to stand, he will follow. Outside instructions are also helpful, if you ask a kid to go and get the glass of water, go and give this to your mom, go and get my phone etc.

So if your child is non verbal then you have to work on his speech therapy which comes under receptive language.

Will write more articles on autism and will complete this series accordingly. I hope you will become a trained special educators by reading this article and following all instructions.

July 28, 2022

Best and easy ways to introduce writing to your kids at home (method by special educators)


Best and easy ways to introduce writing to  your kids at home (method by special educators)

Being a parent, we are much worried about our kids to introduce writing when they reach to a certain age from where we should introduce writing. Means we need to prepare our child for the preschool education.

So the main thing is that we have to introduce writing but what will be the right format to be followed by the parents to introduce writing to their kids?

Let me tell you one thing before you'll start introduce writing to your child, you have to work on his fine motor skills first, which is the first step before you introduce writing. Kids can have trouble in holding pencil or any other moving object with his fingertips or he can have difficulty in using tools like scissors, he may also have difficulty in learning to tie shoes.

After working on his fine motor skills, if he is good in holding, gripping and in hand and eye cordination gets better, then you need to introduce writing.

But to introduce writing you should introduce it from start and stop, it means writing should be introduce by standing lines, tracing should be start from standing lines.

If you want your child to learn writing earlier, step by step with bringing him up with good hand writing, so you have to follow small steps to make him learn. I am attaching the picture of this step below.

                      STANDING LINES:


• Draw thick broken or dotted lines on a white paper with marking it with red point given on start and stop, mark the middle dotted line with black.

 • Ask your child to match that straight line, this will boost up your child's confidence to write, this pattern is designed by thick lines that will make your child to trace within the line. He will start to understand tracing. Red points, at start and stop are marked to tell the limitations to your child to trace within the given limitation.

• Make him practice for one week on standing lines only. 

Make this tracing sheet at home and start spending time with your kids to make them trace which is an indirect method to prepare them for writing.After spending one week on standing lines, next indirect step towards writing is sleeping lines. Picture is given below.

                         SLEEPING LINES:    


  • Spend one week on sleeping lines.

Special educators usually follow these methods, now we are moving forward towards the third step which is the selection of the Alphabet which can easily formed by following standing and sleeping lines method, as shown in the picture below.



Make your child practice these letters for a month and make him learn sounds side by side with identification of letters, Random picking of letter to assess if child is recognizing the letter or not.

Fourth step towards indirect writing is slanting lines:

                           SLANTING LINES


We will introduce slanting lines by marking to give a child a concept of start and stop, make your child practice it regularly by following the same pattern as shown in the picture. Make it practice for 7 to 8 days.



                Standing, sleeping and slanting 


 Make it practice same for 7 to 8 days.


                                 Curve lines


  As we make children write after 6 months we don't even know that when we have introduced writing and when our child turned to the age of 3 and we are still complaining about their poor writing skills even we are not satisfied with it,  complaining about lack of hand control and  about the misunderstanding of writing boundaries. Follow the specific method in sequence to make your child write beautifully with making him understand about the writing boundaries following in each method which is point of start and stop. Following each pattern thoroughly will make your child write A to Z beautifully within 2 and a half years of age. Make it practice constantly for 7 to 8 days.


Standing, sleeping, slanting and Curved.       letters

Make it practice for 7 to 8 days and finally you'll be surprised to see the results, congratulations to you to reach your goal of making your child write beautifully.

I hope this would be helpful article, your appreciation and support allows me to write more about the useful content, keep on supporting, thankyou!!!

Special Education Teaching Strategies

                  Special Education Teaching Strategies Q) How should we start teaching a kid being a special educator? A) There is no one-s...