January 22, 2022




Dr. Montessori's theory of education differs a lot from her contemporaries.After a long observation and research,she brought these theories into practice.According to her,the primary function of a directress is not so much to teach but to direct the natural energies of the child.Due to this she introduces a new name for her teacher, "A DIRECTRESS".

The new children, the new directress unite to form an inseparable part of the education,which is dynamic and continuous process of development for both of them.

The Montessori directress is one who understands this new relationship and faithfully carries her duties to the minutest details regarding the new system of education.

The three factors of Montessori Method are:-

1- The Directress

2- The Child

3- The Prepared Environment

These are like three sides of a triangle.The directress is a guardian or a custodian of the prepared environment with an understanding of immense value.She is in fact  the soul of the environment to which she brings the child in contact.The main task of the directress is to help the child in adapting the environment and to make him feel comfortable.She must direct to bring the fine qualities of the child which are essential for his overall development.Once the child gains these qualities he becomes a world force.

A true educationalist must put the following principles into practice:-

1- To understand the development of the child according to his potentials.

2- To liberate the spirit of the child.

3- One must not suppress his will but rather strengthen it ,because it serves as the nourishment in the development of the child.

The important quality of the directress is to have faith in the child,in herself as well as the method she is following.

The change in the directress has to come from within herself and the must undergo the three fold preparations as follows:-

1- Intellectual Preparation

2- Spiritual Preparation

3- Psychic and Physical Preparation 

The three characteristics of a Montessori Directress are:-

1- To prepare the environment

2- Passive role of directress

3- Profound respect for the dignity of a child

In order to become a dynamic link between the child and the prepared environment she must have the following qualities:-

1- Knowledge

2- Patience

3- Observation

4- Sympathy and love for the child

5- Clarity in her work

the science of being a Montessori directress consists of knowing in advance.A directress must undergo three fold preparation program before coming in contact with the child. She should be aware of the inner development of the child and should be fully equipped and must recognize the sensitive periods of the child's life.

The directress must know her work right out and must keep and touch with the environment.She should know what is happening around the world. She must have knowledge of science, geography, mathematics, history, music, art work etc. She should be fact full with all the students according to their potentials of work, as every child has his own level of intelligence. She should have potential to work with all children as log as needed. She should have patience as some children take long to grasp the instructions, however there must be no preference and favoritism in the prepared environment. All the children should be kept at par with each other. The directress must analyze her own presentations and she must work accordingly. The art of teacher is teaching in the prepared environment which is divided between the directress and the material.
Dr Montessori sums up the position of the directress by saying, 
"Teach the child not by correcting but by the directing his energies towards the purposeful end".

Spiritual preparation consists of preparation of the environment and the directress within herself using her intellect and psychic qualities. She must study the general functions of the prepared environment, the nature and purpose of every piece of the montessori material in her environment, the ages of the children to whom the material corresponds and she should never condemn any child because of his weaknesses. 

Since the directress is the essential part of the environment, therefore she is responsible for attracting the children toward herself. This means that she should be attractive, pleasant in her appearance. She should be tidy and clean, fresh, well dressed, dignified, calm and happy person.
She should be full of knowledge, very passionate and complete symbol of the education to the child. Since the normalized child is very happy, cheerful, with healthy mind, so he always responses to cheerfulness. She must be in harmony with all means. She should avoid touching the child un necessarily as they are sensitive and do not like it. If all the children need personal attention then don't deny it. She must study her own defects, weaknesses and try to correct them.
Dr Montessori says, 
"First remove the bean from your own eyes, then you will see clearly how to remove specks from the child's eyes".
She should purify her own heart and render it burning with the love, kindness and understanding towards the children, she should be humble, polite and gentle and her behaviour, she must use rich healthy and logical language to communicate with children. Her accent and voice must be correct and appealing, she should analyze her movements. Her movements must be coordinated and should be displayed synthetically. She should have full faith on the system, herself and the child, she must understand the delicate achievements of the children. She should serve children as if she is serving the spirit and the soul which has to unfold itself into a force.

Control of errors lies in the environment:-
There are some rights of the child which must be remembered:-
1. Right to act independently
2. Right to choose his own work or to refuse.
3. Right to work in his own pace and rhythm.
4. Right to repeat an activity as long as it pleases him.

Two main ways of presentation:-
1 .Intentional presentation
2. Un-intentional presentation

Intentional presentations are conscious are pre-planned according to the age requirement.These are further divided into three different ways.

1. Individual presentation
2. Group presentation
3. Collective presentation

Un-intentional presentations are not pre-planned, the directress sits quietly and works with the material to attract children towards her to get involved in the activity and returns the material back to its place.

1 comment:

  1. Such an informative post, thanks for sharing. The Montessori Directress guides children through self-directed learning, emphasizing independence, exploration, and respect. Using Montessori Materials like the Pink Tower, Golden Beads, and Sandpaper Letters, she encourages sensory-based, hands-on learning. These materials foster cognitive, emotional, and social development, allowing children to learn at their own pace in a prepared environment. The Directress observes and facilitates rather than instructing directly.


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