January 26, 2022




Sensorial is derived from the word senses. Senses are called breathing pores of the mind, its because of our senses that we are aware of the world around us.

Sensorial apparatus designed by Dr. Maria Montessori relates to the training of senses. The sensorial material opens up the world for the child and he learns to appreciate the beauties of nature.

Dr.  Montessori defined senses as;

"Bridges which connect us to the environment".

It is through our senses that we develop our intelligence. It has been compared that a human baby and a baby animal are both born without intelligence but the remarkable difference is that a human baby develops his intelligence whereas the animal baby does not.

A new born baby starts life with no ideas in his mind, but within a short span of time accumulates a store of impressions. This is possible because the child possesses within himself the capacity of abstracting or taking in essential qualities from particular things. 

According to Aristotle;

"There is nothing in the intellect, which was not first in the senses but it exists in the intellect in a different mod than in the senses".

The child intelligence will depend on sensorial development. To aid the development we introduce the sensorial material to him. Dr. Maria Montessori mentions three aims of education which are discussed below:-

1- Biological aim

2- Social aim (to be able to adjust to the society)

3- Professional aim (to ear his living and also to utilize the environment and make changes)

All the three aims need the senses to be highly refined. The development of senses is mean so much attention and importance, because only if the senses are refined and sharpened, the children will appreciate and absorb different things from the environment better. This will lead to better adaptation and creation of intelligence.

All Montessori schools are equipped with sensorial apparatus. These materials are specially designed and developed and each apparatus is presented to each individual child in a systematic manner and according to his age. This apparatus helps to fulfill the above aspects of education. The material is also called the didactic material. The material is prepared for all the senses that is tactile, auditory, gustatory, olfactory and visual. Another sense which was introduced by Dr. Montessori is stereognostic sense (which is a combination of tactile and muscular memory).

Dr. Montessori calls them, "Keys To The Universe".


Before Dr. Montessori, two french doctors Jean Itard and Seguin were working with mentally defective children. To educate them, they had devised the sensorial material. Dr. Montessori also designed a series of material in the first period of her experimental work with defective children. She first gave the material to the deficient children and later on to normal children. She found out the difference between the two by the way they used the material in deficient children, the interest to use this material had to be aroused whereas for normal children the material itself was enough to arouse their interest and they repeated an activity till their inner urge was satisfied. Dr. Montessori observed the children working with the material and it helped her to eliminate or modify the material.


1- Visual sense

2- Tactile sense

3- Stereognostic sense

4- Later visual sense

5- Auditory sense

6- Gustatory sense

7- Olfactory sense 


All objects have three attributes, which can be distinguished visually.

- Dimensions 

- Color

- Form


1- Cylinder Blocks  (visual sense)

2- Pink Tower  (visual sense)

3- Brown Stair or Broad Stair  (visual sense)

4- Red Rod or Long Rods  (visual sense)

5- Knob-less Cylinders (later visual sense)


1- Three boxes of Color Tablets (visual sense)


1- Geometry Cabinet (visual sense)

2- Geometry Solids (stereognostic sense)

3- Boxes of Constructive Triangles (later visual sense)

4- Cubes of Binomial and Trinomial (later visual sense)

5- Square of Decanomial (later visual sense)


Three impressions are formed through touch.

- Surface texture

- Weight of atmospheric pressure (baric sense)

- Temperature (thermic sense).

1- Sensitizing of hands 

2- Touch boards

3- Touch tablets

4- Fabric boxes

5- Baric tablets

6- Thermic bottles 

7- Thermic tablets


Its an ability to identify objects based on touching alone without seeing them.

1- Geometry solids

2- Stereognostic bags a,b,c

3- Grain tray

4- Mystery bag


It's an advanced type of visual sense which is introduced to the child at later stage.

1- Constructive triangles

2- Binomial cube

3- Trinomial cube

4- Knobless cylinders

5- Square of decanomial


Sense of hearing is called auditory sense.

1- Sound boxes

2- Music bells


Sense of tasting is called gustatory sense.

1- Preparation for tasting bowls

2- Tasting bowls


Sense of smelling is called olfactory sense.

1- Smelling bottles


The main aims of the sensorial apparatus are discussed below:-

1- Training and refining of senses:-

The Sensorial apparatus is called by Dr.Montessori the material for development or the key to the world .These materials train and refine the senses of a child.Whatever impressions are going into the mind of the child,they become the part of the child's mind.These impressions are the basis of future intelligence.He understands the environment well and can distinguish well.The material is precise and concrete and it helps the child to find out minute differences.The understanding or the perception of the child becomes better.

2- To clarify and classify impressions:-

A child from 0-3 years is in the unconscious absorbent mind period. During this period he absorbs all the impressions from the environment.Thus the function of sensorial apparatus is not to present the child with new impressions but to bring order in the impressions which he has already received and is still receiving.The child is able to classify the impressions  because of the isolation of a single quality in the material which focuses the child's mind on a particular attribute.

3- To detect organic defects:-

The sensorial material is not used for the sole purpose of detecting defects in a child but a directress through observation is able to detect some of the defects in early stage which might be otherwise missed and then discovered later on when the child has become too old to be helped.For example,the color tablets helps in the detection of color blind children and sound boxes aid in the detection of hearing defects.

4- To enrich vocabulary:-

This material correct words are given when the child has had some mental experience to increase his vocabulary and to help him express his views and thoughts vocally.

5- Leads to abstraction and exploration:-

By working with this material child is able to abstract ideas.

January 22, 2022




Dr. Montessori's theory of education differs a lot from her contemporaries.After a long observation and research,she brought these theories into practice.According to her,the primary function of a directress is not so much to teach but to direct the natural energies of the child.Due to this she introduces a new name for her teacher, "A DIRECTRESS".

The new children, the new directress unite to form an inseparable part of the education,which is dynamic and continuous process of development for both of them.

The Montessori directress is one who understands this new relationship and faithfully carries her duties to the minutest details regarding the new system of education.

The three factors of Montessori Method are:-

1- The Directress

2- The Child

3- The Prepared Environment

These are like three sides of a triangle.The directress is a guardian or a custodian of the prepared environment with an understanding of immense value.She is in fact  the soul of the environment to which she brings the child in contact.The main task of the directress is to help the child in adapting the environment and to make him feel comfortable.She must direct to bring the fine qualities of the child which are essential for his overall development.Once the child gains these qualities he becomes a world force.

A true educationalist must put the following principles into practice:-

1- To understand the development of the child according to his potentials.

2- To liberate the spirit of the child.

3- One must not suppress his will but rather strengthen it ,because it serves as the nourishment in the development of the child.

The important quality of the directress is to have faith in the child,in herself as well as the method she is following.

The change in the directress has to come from within herself and the must undergo the three fold preparations as follows:-

1- Intellectual Preparation

2- Spiritual Preparation

3- Psychic and Physical Preparation 

The three characteristics of a Montessori Directress are:-

1- To prepare the environment

2- Passive role of directress

3- Profound respect for the dignity of a child

In order to become a dynamic link between the child and the prepared environment she must have the following qualities:-

1- Knowledge

2- Patience

3- Observation

4- Sympathy and love for the child

5- Clarity in her work

the science of being a Montessori directress consists of knowing in advance.A directress must undergo three fold preparation program before coming in contact with the child. She should be aware of the inner development of the child and should be fully equipped and must recognize the sensitive periods of the child's life.

The directress must know her work right out and must keep and touch with the environment.She should know what is happening around the world. She must have knowledge of science, geography, mathematics, history, music, art work etc. She should be fact full with all the students according to their potentials of work, as every child has his own level of intelligence. She should have potential to work with all children as log as needed. She should have patience as some children take long to grasp the instructions, however there must be no preference and favoritism in the prepared environment. All the children should be kept at par with each other. The directress must analyze her own presentations and she must work accordingly. The art of teacher is teaching in the prepared environment which is divided between the directress and the material.
Dr Montessori sums up the position of the directress by saying, 
"Teach the child not by correcting but by the directing his energies towards the purposeful end".

Spiritual preparation consists of preparation of the environment and the directress within herself using her intellect and psychic qualities. She must study the general functions of the prepared environment, the nature and purpose of every piece of the montessori material in her environment, the ages of the children to whom the material corresponds and she should never condemn any child because of his weaknesses. 

Since the directress is the essential part of the environment, therefore she is responsible for attracting the children toward herself. This means that she should be attractive, pleasant in her appearance. She should be tidy and clean, fresh, well dressed, dignified, calm and happy person.
She should be full of knowledge, very passionate and complete symbol of the education to the child. Since the normalized child is very happy, cheerful, with healthy mind, so he always responses to cheerfulness. She must be in harmony with all means. She should avoid touching the child un necessarily as they are sensitive and do not like it. If all the children need personal attention then don't deny it. She must study her own defects, weaknesses and try to correct them.
Dr Montessori says, 
"First remove the bean from your own eyes, then you will see clearly how to remove specks from the child's eyes".
She should purify her own heart and render it burning with the love, kindness and understanding towards the children, she should be humble, polite and gentle and her behaviour, she must use rich healthy and logical language to communicate with children. Her accent and voice must be correct and appealing, she should analyze her movements. Her movements must be coordinated and should be displayed synthetically. She should have full faith on the system, herself and the child, she must understand the delicate achievements of the children. She should serve children as if she is serving the spirit and the soul which has to unfold itself into a force.

Control of errors lies in the environment:-
There are some rights of the child which must be remembered:-
1. Right to act independently
2. Right to choose his own work or to refuse.
3. Right to work in his own pace and rhythm.
4. Right to repeat an activity as long as it pleases him.

Two main ways of presentation:-
1 .Intentional presentation
2. Un-intentional presentation

Intentional presentations are conscious are pre-planned according to the age requirement.These are further divided into three different ways.

1. Individual presentation
2. Group presentation
3. Collective presentation

Un-intentional presentations are not pre-planned, the directress sits quietly and works with the material to attract children towards her to get involved in the activity and returns the material back to its place.



Nature has blessed all animals with an instinct that they can make great efforts in preparing an environment for their young one to be born.They seek a solitary dark and safe place to receive their baby.The mother animal protects and provides warmth and nurses the baby till the patient instinct is awakened and they are another individual from the same species.

If such preparation and care is taken by the animals,then we human beings should prepare most suitable and comfortable environment for a new born baby.We should not only prepare a physical environment but a mother should await till the advent of man in child.

Absorbent mind of the child takes nourishment from the environment in which he lives. The child always reacts to the environment, If the environment is prepared,the child will benefit a lot from it and his potentialities will develop to the fullest.

Prepared environment is like a flight of stairs,which the child is always climbing upwards fulfilling the requirements.It should meet the physical and psychic needs of the child.

Preparation of adult is as necessary as the preparation of the environment because it is the adult,either parent or nurse or teacher who prepares the environment and comes directly in contact with the child,hence they too are a part of the environment.

A baby comes from a dark protecting world to the world of sound and light.He is not born in a natural environment.Suddenly there is a lot of difference in both the worlds.We should try to make it as close as possible to the prenatal conditions so that it should impel the child and not expel.

It was a good idea that mother and baby used to be confined for forty days.They were isolated and an establishment was formed between the mother and baby.A child has his psychic needs and to fulfill these needs, we must keep some guideline for preparing an environment.The child should remain as close as possible to the mother for the first few days.

When he is little older,he needs to be taken out into the society.A child absorbs and takes in psychic qualities of the environment.His impressions are so profound that a biological and psycho-chemical change takes place by which the mind ends up resembling the environment in which he lives.The child imbibes the qualities of the environment both animate and inanimate,if he is unable to adopt himself then it means that he has not adjusted himself.

Adults play an important role in the psychic development of the child.The child not only needs a prepared environment but he also needs love and care and of course there's nothing like mother's love.

Love is something which is irreplaceable.There must be loving but sensible adults in the environment who should not neglect the child and on the other hand they should not interfere too much in his constructive activities in the sensitive periods.

In the sensitive period of order,order should be maintained,there should be fixed setting and place for everything in the environment.As time goes enough freedom for the child should be provided.When the child is two and a half years old,he is ready for a Montessori school.

A real Montessori school should be like an extension of home.Montessori method lays emphasis on the prepared environment as this age is for conscious absorption and correction.Transformation is required in the adult's attitude.When the child is in the age group between 0-6 years his mind is an absorption mind,hence the child needs not only a prepared environment but also a prepared directress.

A child at this age cannot be taught directly.A new third factor is prepared environment,teacher and the child.These factors are always related to each other.

Primary aim of the prepared environment is to faster the process of independence.In choosing a Montessori environment,adequate space is needed.If the space is too large it will loose its feelings of homeliness,lack of space should not be a big problem.You can make use of corridors,balconies etc.Make sure that the environment is safe, protected and comfortable for the child. There should be natural light and good air ventilation etc.

There should be some pets in the environment. The directress should be in a place from where she can watch children including those who are in the garden. A class with low windows would be ideal so that the child looks out and absorbs. Un necessary thing should be removed.There should not be two many adults around. If the directress is very interfering she should be removed. Furniture should be simple, light in color and weight, the light colors are quicker to reveal dirt and dust on the furniture. 

Was basins etc balanced and neat and smooth lavatories etc. Furniture should be properly placed and material should be well displayed and grouped. Separating children age wise is not advisable. Children of mixed age look like a family. Older ones may help the younger ones.

Order is very important, it will be impossible to run the school without order. Children find deep sense of satisfaction in returning things into their places. The rule is "There is a place for things and things for a place".

It is the duty of the directress to maintain order in the environment and there should be a separate place for the tiff-in-boxes etc.

Order prevents waste of energy. A well prepared environment acts like a magic for the normalization of the child.

Prepared environment is the gateway  to cater everything keeping in view the inner need since he is hungry for words.Therefore his vocabulary can also be enriched by classified cards.He is also fed with the technical terms.Besides this the child personality is properly groomed when lie is given attention at the right time and the right age simply by talking and listening properly to the child in the prepared environment.The language taken in during the unconscious period is preserved in sub-conscious of the child.Later three years onwards the consciousness arises and all the stored collection of knowledge is reflected through the speech of the child.

Child has a great capacity to retain and reproduce words.He takes in much more than he shows.If at once a foreign language is to be introduced at this stage to the child,the earlier the better.At first the child produces few words,and then there seems to be a big pause,with the passage of time the clarity comes in his language as well as in his thinking. Normally the development of speech is finished and completed at six years.

Every child faces a pre-reading period as well as a reading period.The pre-reading period is more important.It helps in enriching the childs vocabulary, therefore sufficient time and attention should be given to the child.Correct nomenclature cards of exact things around him.The language games i.e I spy game should be given to make him realize that the words are made up of different sounds.

The question game helps him in logical and systematic thinking.It is an indirect preparation for future analysis.

January 21, 2022




In exercises of practical life, there are simple to complex movements to involve the child that is why child is attracted towards them.

Practical life exercises are given to co-ordinate his movements and records his emotions and experiences for coming in contact with the external world.These exercises should be given with the serial order or sequence of order in everything done logically and systematically to make the actions easier and meaningful.This makes the mind of the child orderly and makes the foundation of mathematical mind. 

E.P.L exercises are constructive, creative and  stimulative, because they are part of his life.They should aim at helping the child to help himself.In an emergency, he should be able to act independently.

These exercises buildup unity between thoughts, action and will.

As it is discussed in a previous blog's post about the main groups or E.P.L exercises : 

1- Elementary exercises 

2- Personal care

3- Care of environment

4- Grace and Courtesy


They are basic and simple actions which involve simple movements.

They are according to the potentials of the child.The simplest work is chosen to satisfy the work tendency of the child.Hence this group is further divided into three kinds of exercises.

A- Basic elementary

B- Elementary

C- Higher Elementary


The most simple actions but very logical movements are there.They are usually a part of the later activities. 

for example;

1- Holding a jug, glass, tray, spoon etc.

2- Carrying a glass of water.

3- Taking off an apron from hook or hanger.


These actions are little advanced but still simple in nature and more logical movements are involved, yet these exercises prepares the child for further difficult work.

for example;

1- Opening and closing bottle tops.

2- Folding, rolling of mats.

3- Opening and closing of pegs.

4- Threading beads.

5- Poring beans from one container to another.

6- Spooning beans in different bowls.

7- Sponging exercises.

8- Turning pages of a book etc.


These exercises are the series of the same work but little upgraded in movements, logic and patience.

The aims of all these elementary exercises is first to develop the initiative of work and then to make the child aware of his potentials and urge of performing logical, meaningful and useful movements.To bring him towards mobility and to develop the will and ego to work freely.

Concentration and patience are the characteristics of these activities.

for example;

1- Pouring water from one container into number of containers with the help of spoon, dropper, jug, funnel etc.


To bring the child towards personal independence. There are exercises which pertains to the personal hygiene and care for themselves.

for example;

1- Dressing frames.

2- Brushing teeth.

3- Combing hair.

4- Washing hands.

5- Polishing shoes etc.


Exercises under this group help the child to learn, to clean and take care of environment around him. This group is further sub-divided into two groups.

A- Indoor environment.

B- Outdoor environment.


These are exercises which the child performs to serve other people and also to keep his place neat and tidy.

for example;

1- Opening and closing door.

2- Folding napkins.

3- Dusting a table, chair, objects of class etc.

4- Sweeping the floor.

5- Polishing metal objects.

6- Washing a cloth, car, table etc.

7- carrying a chair.

8- Lifting a table by two children.

9- Walking around mats.


These exercises make the child aware of the outer environment of his surrounding.

for example;

1- Sweeping.

2- Watering plants.

3- Picking dry leaves from garden.

4- Weeding.


These exercises help the child to gain courtesy and grace. He is made aware of the manners and etiquette to become social and respect the people in society as well as to his own self respect, dignity and honor as an individual. Various exercises are chosen to further increase his tendency.

for example;

A- Passing through a group of people.

B- Passing pointed objects.

C- Standing in a queue.

D- Table manners.

E- Use of thank you, sorry, please etc.

F- Greeting guests.

G- How to sneeze, yawn and cough etc.


To develop the initiative of work.


To develop personal independence.


To help the child to gain grace and courtesy.


To help the child to clean and take care of his surroundings.

Two main ways of presentation:-
1 .Intentional presentation
2. Un-intentional presentation

Intentional presentations are conscious are pre-planned according to the age requirement.These are further divided into three different ways.

1. Individual presentation
2. Group presentation
3. Collective presentation

Un-intentional presentations are not pre-planned, the directress sits quietly and works with the material to attract children towards her to get involved in the activity and returns the material back to its place.

In the Montessori House of Children we call activities of useful life those basic, day by day performed exercises what man-the-grown-up completes in his current circumstance to keep up with and reestablish legitimate conditions.

They serve this additive and supportive capacity concerning things (conditions), yet in addition as to
people (relations). As they structure a piece of the grown-up's day by day exercises, the youngster essentially from the second it is conceived and goes into a man-made and man-kept up with climate has noticed them
furthermore has become really acquainted with them.

Albert Max Joosten (1914-1980) was one of Maria Montessori's earliest
understudies and advanced the Montessori strategy around the world. Mr Joosten
coordinated instructional hubs in India, Sri Lanka, and Minnesota. He was additionally an individual from the AMI Sponsoring Committee, AMI International
Academic Committee, and an AMI inspector. Copyright © 1968 Indian Montessori Training courses under the support of Association Montessori Internationale. NAMTA might want to communicate
its appreciation to the Maria Montessori Archives held at AMI for making this address accessible.

January 18, 2022


 Montessori teachers training quick overview



As you all are enough aware of Maria Montessori , you  can get further information about her if you google it out about her family history and her methods of  Teaching Montessori Methods. If I talk about myself I did my Montessori diploma from London Montessori International Private Limited but the option I selected was for the advance course, you can also enroll for normal course if you don't want to deep study about Montessori. Five main subjects of Montessori will be enough for you to become a Montessori teacher. Five major subjects are as follows:

       1) Exercises of practical life i.e E.P.L
2) Sensorial
3) Language
4) Culture
5) Mathematics


 (2.5 years to 3.5 on wards)

A child's growth and development depends to a great extent on the environment.The development of his personality and growth cannot take place until he becomes progressively independent,the child should be given full freedom to explore the environment.

           "Work has no substitute.Work becomes fascinating and irreplaceable and irresistible when provided in most favorable circumstances." 

                                    Four main groups of E.P.L exercises

                                          1) Care of environment 
                                          2) Elementary 
                                          3) Personal care
                                          4)Grace and courtesy

SIMPLE TO COMPLEX MOVEMENTS:-In E.P.L exercises there are simple to complex movements to involve the child that is why the child is attracted towards them.
Practical life exercises are given to co-ordinate his movements and record his emotions and experiences for coming in contact with the external world. 
These exercises should be given with the serial order or sequence of order in everything done logically and systematically to make the actions easier and meaningful.
The child should be provided with the kind of environment that will enable him to become independent of the adults and to make the best of his tendencies,which he follows in the later stages.

The activities of Practical Life give the establishment to any remaining exercises in the Montessori study hall, satisfying the kid's supplication: "Assist me with doing it without anyone else's help!" Through practices in day by day living, for example, pouring and cleaning, sewing and cultivating, or rehearsing elegance and civility, the youngster acquires certainty and authority of the climate, After individual abilities are refined, kids apply them in deliberate work, like serving juice or cleaning. In particular, these exercises add to the control and coordination of development, advancement of focus, and the confidence that accompanies making a genuine commitment to the gathering.

The kid can foster an undeniable degree of fixation, foster a feeling of request, invest heavily in getting done with a task, increment freedom, foster regard for their local area and environmental factors, and work on fine coordinated movements.

5 Areas You'll Find in a Montessori Classroom:-
The Language Area. In the language region of the homeroom, your kid will start finding out with regards to letters, phonics sounds, and perusing. ...
The Sensorial Area. ...
The Math Area. ...
The Cultural Studies Area. ...
The Practical Life Area.

(3 to 4 years on wards)

The sensorial region in a Montessori study hall centers around examples and exercises that assist with fostering the five detects: seeing, hearing, contacting, tasting, and smelling. The examples and exercises gave in the sensorial region of the homeroom assist youngsters with explaining, order, and comprehend their general surroundings.


1- Visual sense

2- Tactile sense

3- Stereognostic sense

4- Later visual sense

5- Auditory sense

6- Gustatory sense

7- Olfactory sense 

Why Sensorial Work is Important?

Sensorial exercises are utilized in Montessori figuring out how to help kids in segregation and request. They likewise help widen and refine a kid's detects. At the point when a youngster consolidates Montessori planned materials with sensorial work, it assists them with turning out to be more legitimate, discerning, and mindful.


(2.5 to 6 years on wards)

Language is a method for correspondence thoughts or sentiments by the utilization of conventionalized sounds and signs, consequently, being the communicated in and composed language. ... Montessori said, "To talk is in the idea of man." Humans required language to impart, and soon, the powers that accompany language were uncovered.

How language is supported in a Montessori homeroom?

Language is treated with the greatest amount of significance in the Montessori homeroom. Our educators start with a phonics-based way to deal with learning the fundamentals: sounds, vowels, and consonants. For preschool understudies, this likewise implies learning through sight words and sounding out sentences through reliable practice.

Language is introduced by following these sequences below:

1-Oral exercises

2-Writing essay


4-Further reading exercises

5-Function of words

6-Reading Analysis


(3 to 6 years on wards)

Culture is a refinement of one's body, mind , intelligence and spirit.

Subjects of Culture are as follows:-

1- Arts

2- Music

3- Religion

4- Science

5- Botany

6- Zoology

7- History

8- Geography

9- Rhymes


Culture material is introduced to assist toddlers with achieving fundamental information about art,science, geography, religion,music,history and zoology. Social examinations assist the kid with shaping a precise comprehension about their environmental elements and it additionally educates to acknowledge various lifestyles lead by various individuals.


The Montessori Math incorporates the advancement of ideas, for example, numeration, place worth, portions, and the essential activities of expansion, deduction, augmentation, and division utilizing numbers up to 9999.


The kids learn through the advancement of the Mathematical psyche, including number juggling, calculation and polynomial math. The Montessori way to deal with math establishes an ideal framework for complete cognizance that number is amount and size. We have materials that support this thought.


Numbers from 1 to 10 & 0

Decimal numbers

Memorization of numbers



How would you show math in Montessori?

Montessori trains math by utilizing active techniques to assist kids with progressing at their own speed. These strategies incorporate controlling dot and stamp material, using strip sheets, utilizing actual shapes to learn divisions, and remembering fundamental number related realities.

Special Education Teaching Strategies

                  Special Education Teaching Strategies Q) How should we start teaching a kid being a special educator? A) There is no one-s...